Dentistry Tutors
Your five-year undergraduate program in dentistry is one of the first steps you will take on your path to becoming a dentist. This degree, and the career to follow, require a strong aptitude for scientific understanding and good people skills. Good people skills and a willingness to work in the clinic are essential prerequisites for any aspiring dentist. The profession can be very rewarding and its interplay with material science and biology are at the forefront of discovery and development of dental sciences. Our dentistry tutors can help guide your career path and revision for both written and practical elements of the dentistry degree.
Much like medicine, the dentistry degrees available vary greatly in their approach to teaching. Therefore, choosing the right degree program that suits you best is essential. Our dentistry tutors can help you find the right balance between industry and intelligence based teaching courses. Beyond your decision, we can help you achieve your required grades for entry which typically rest at three As at A-Level. Head to our Science tutors page to find out more.
Dentistry Degrees and Tuition
As your degree progresses you will find your technical skills gradually improving through early and regular patient contact. However, these skills require a strong scientific understanding of human physiology, oral biology and biochemistry. Here are Mayfair Consultants we can offer private tuition to help you stay on top of your theoretical science. Many dental schools also require you to sit the UCAT or BMAT as part of their selection procedure and we can assist in preparing you for these aptitude tests.
If you’d like arrange private lessons or have any questions about our tuition services please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Dentistry Resources – Complete Universities Guide – Guardian Universities Guide General Dental Council British Dental Association American Student Dental Association -A Day in the life of a dentist NHS Dental Health Journal of Dentistry – Prospects – National Career Services – Health Careers Sheffield University Dental School Resources
Dentistry Tutors & Current Dental Degree Providers in the UK:
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Institute of Dentistry
+44(0)20 7852 223
Birmingham University
The School of Dentistry
+44(0)121 236 8611
Bristol University
Bristol Dental School
+44(0)117 342 4307
Cardiff University
School of Dentistry
+44(0)29 2074 5867
Dundee University
Dundee Dental School
+44(0)1382 660 111
Edinburgh University
Edinburgh Postgraduate Dental Institute
Glasgow University
Glasgow Dental Hospital and School
+44(0)141 211 9600
Guy’s, King’s College and St Thomas’ Hospitals
King’s College London Dental Institute at GKST
+44(0)20 7848 6512
Leeds University
Leeds Dental Institute
+44(0)113 343 6199
Liverpool University
School of Dentistry
+44(0)151 706 5298
Manchester University
School of Dentistry
+44(0)161 306 0220
Newcastle University
The School of Dental Sciences
+44(0)191 222 8347
Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry
Peninsula Dental School
+44(0)1752 437 333
Queen’s University Belfast
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
+44(0)2890 632 733
Sheffield University
The School of Clinical Dentistry
+44(0)114 271 7801
University College London
UCL Eastman Dental Institute
+44(0)20 7915 1039
Graduate Entry Courses
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Institute of Dentistry
+44(0)20 7852 223
Guy’s, King’s College and St Thomas’ Hospitals
King’s College London Dental Institute at GKST
+44(0)20 7848 6703 (postgraduate)
Liverpool University
School of Dentistry
+44(0)151 706 5298