Music Tutor & Music Tuition London
Making music is one of the richest modes of artistic self-expression, whether that involves a 100 piece philharmonic orchestra or the startling purity of the unaccompanied human voice. The freedom that comes with musical expression of any kind can appear effortless. Yet to become a truly successful singer or musician takes constant time and dedication. No matter what your level, knowing how to hone your skills and techniques requires the right approach by encouraging, knowledgeable tutors. A good Music tutor can boost your skills and confidence and guide your learning.
Why Study Music?
Human beings, like the natural world that surrounds them, have an innate and deep rooted sense of musicality and rhythm. Before humans were communicating with words, they were expressing themselves with music, and even a toddler from a very young age can show an extraordinary level of musical intelligence. It has been said that with musical experiences, more of the brain is engaged than with any other types of communication, heightening neural functions such as spatial reasoning, attention, and perception. Because of the profound and complex neurological activity that occurs when we hear music, it has long been used in conjunction with other messages, for instance for teaching letters of the alphabet, the steps to a dance, the procedures in military instruction, and the brand names of commercial products in TV jingles. Music speaks a language we can all understand and remember easily, but it also has the power to move us emotionally, recall memories, inspire us, help us concentrate and much more.
Music Lessons in London & Online
So what are the specific gains of studying music? Aside from the opportunity to immerse yourself in an art form that you love everyday, it has intrinsic value as an academic pursuit. This subject is for people who have the desire to apply their skill and discipline in order to take their abilities to the next level and become accomplished musicians. In addition, studying music involves rigorous academic study – of its history, historical context, analysis, social and cultural effects, the purpose of multi-cleffed score reading, endless highly-mathematical harmony and counterpoint exercises, and compulsory composition which augments analytical ability through practical application. Most students of music are truly passionate about their subject, and that, combined with the unique and robust skills that music study hones, can make for an extremely rewarding experience.
What does the study of Music involve?
For many, the unique appeal of studying music lies in the fact that as well as learning and practicing an art form every day, methods of teaching and assessment are varied and engaging. Courses often include sessions in composing, orchestrating, performing, analysing, conducting, studio use, administration, and musicology, exploring a broad range of past and present musical forms and styles, and from diverse cultures.
Music courses are often taught in a personal format; in small group seminars and workshops, and one-to-one tutorials – the latter being particularly used in independent study projects, when students explore their own chosen topics, usually in their final year.
Performance modules are assessed through live recital, although increasingly pre-recorded and written components are also common; composition modules are assessed through submitted scores and recordings, often with accompanying written commentaries; and analytical and musicological modules are assessed through exercises, essays, and seminar presentations.
What Music Skills Will You Gain?
Music degrees foster a very wide range of skills, due to their multi-faceted nature. Some of these include critical thinking, creative thinking, team work, delivering presentations, multi-tasking, administration, cataloguing and archiving, conducting detailed analysis.
Music Careers
The most popular careers directly relating to Music include teaching, performance and arts administration. Other options include broadcasting, composing, publishing, musical law, and many others. Some students undertake further study in performance, often at conservatoires in the UK and abroad.
Mayfair Music School
Mayfair Consultants offers at home, one-on-one Music tuition to clients living across the London area, including Saxophone, Flute, Cello, Drum, Guitar, Piano, Violin and Singing lessons. We work with students approaching practical and theoretical exams, from beginners’ level all the way through to advanced, and with clients working in the business sector. Our expert tutors are highly skilled musicians with diverse portfolios and professional experience. They offer clear guidance, including easily-applied advice on practical technique, musical expression and voice projection. Contact us to enquire about a Music tutor today.
Please note the instruments we currently offer tuition for are:
Guitar, Piano, Flute, Drums, Recorder, Saxophone, Violin and Singing.
Singing lessons & Singing teachers
Singing is one of the purest modes of self-expression, ranging across all styles and musical genres. Despite appearances to the contrary, all good singers require frequent practice, as much as innate talent, to develop their voices and expand their range. No matter what your level, knowing how to hone your singing technique safely can be difficult.
To help with budding singers of all ages and abilities, Mayfair Consultants offers one-on-one, private Singing tuition to clients living across London. We work with singers at every level of development, from fledgling beginners to advanced, including clients learning for personal enjoyment and/or those studying for public exams. Our tutors are highly skilled singers themselves with diverse portfolios, backgrounds and professional experience. They offer practical guidance and advice on all elements of a singer’s craft: from varying musical expression, tone and range, to applying breathing techniques and enhancing voice projection.
If you’d like arrange private lessons or have any questions about our tuition services please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Music Tutor & Tuition Resources
http://gb.abrsm.org/en/home ABRSM Exams Grades 1-8
http://www.ram.ac.uk Royal Academy of Music
http://www.rcm.ac.uk – Royal College of Music London
http://www.rpo.co.uk Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
http://www.londonchambermusic.org.uk London Chamber Society
http://www.royalsocietyofmusicians.org – Royal Society of Musicians
http://www.rma.ac.uk – The Royal Musical Association
http://www.royalalberthall.com – Royal Albert Hall, London
http://www.roundhouse.org.uk – London Roundhouse Theatre
http://www.gsmd.ac.uk – Guildhall School of Music and Drama
https://www.rncm.ac.uk – Royal Northern College of Music
http://www.bbc.co.uk/learning/subjects/music.shtml – BBC Musical Learning Site
http://music.indiana.edu/ – Music Notation Style Guide
http://www.musicnotes.com Musical Notes Sheet Music
http://www.dramonline.org – DRAM, a Scholarly Resource of Recordings
http://guides.library.ucla.edu/musicresearch – UCLA Collection of Music Resources
https://www.collegeatlas.org/music-study-skills.html – Musicians Study Skills Guide
http://www.starland.co.uk – Advanced Musical Study Resources
http://www.classicalarchives.com – Classical Musical Archives
https://www.emusictheory.com/learning.html – eMusic Theory resources