Art Tutors & Portfolios
Art Teachers in London
From 17th century works by Grand Masters, to the latest controversial abstract sculpture, successful Art can range from the sublime to the shocking. The freedom that comes with skilled artistic expression of any kind can appear effortless. Yet to become a successful artist, painter, sculptor or textile expert, regardless of innate talent, takes time and dedication. No matter what your level, knowing how to hone your artistic skills and techniques requires the right approach by encouraging, knowledgeable tutors. Our Art Tutors can help with building your portfolios and guiding you through your art course.
Learning Art & Becoming an Artist
Art is a broad and sweeping subject which for centuries has served the purpose of taking us into imagined worlds created by different minds throughout the ages, and enabling us to understand how others live. We are what we absorb through our senses everyday, the images we see, the museums we visit and the performances hear. They form our opinions, our memories and the culture we inherit, and shape our ambitions and dreams for the future.
‘Life imitates art far more than art imitates life’
– Oscar Wilde, The Decay of Lying (1889)
Wilde’s famous aphorism claims that objects or phenomena often attributed to nature are in fact no more than fabrication of human beings, placed there through art. For instance, the pervading image of the foggy streets of London owes its truth much less to actual presence of fog (especially compared to other parts of England or even the world), and much more to the countless number of artists – from Dickens to Monet – who have depicted London this way, through literature, painting, film and music. Whether you agree with Wilde or not, art certainly has a power and presence in our lives, as it has had for centuries.
Visual art has educational and moral purposes, but as with all forms of art, it also entertains us and gives us pleasure, and allows us to connect to both the artist and our fellow human beings, though our shared understanding of the work. It presents a platform for thinking about how to live and how to confront and understand personal and historic issues, whilst making us more perceptive and sensitive humans.
By harnessing our imagination, art intensifies and complements our own experience. Art represents people, cultures, values, and perspectives on living, but it also edifies us. While contemplating a painting, our minds are awakened to other worlds and new ideas, where form and meaning can be analysed and inspiration can provide the catalyst for the next generation of artists.
Studying Art
The study of art is broadly divided into two fields:
- History of Art – These courses tend to be essay-based, and conclude with an extended dissertation or supervised research project
- Fine Art – Courses are likely to be of a practical nature, taught in art workshops, and often conclude with a project or portfolio assessment.
Furthermore, there are various specialisations of art, particularly at degree level:
History of art
This explores art from a range of different cultures and historical periods, training students to analyse art in terms of its context within artistic movements, social backdrop and historic importance.
Fine arts
The focus is on creation of art rather than its analysis. Programs typically combine a mixture of theoretical and practical course elements to encourage students to develop their own artistic work. Fine art students often specialise specific media, such as painting, sculpture, photography, film, animation, illustration, printmaking or ceramics.
Design degrees
These encompass subjects such as fashion, textile design, graphic design, interior design, advertising design, product design and architecture.
Digital arts
In response to the transforming impact of new technologies, new areas of digital arts are growing in demand. These include photography, illustration, animation and computer arts.
Careers in Art
A host of common skills can be gained from an arts degree, many of which are transferrable:
- Imagination, creativity and ingenuity
- Critical awareness
- Interpersonal and social skills
- An appreciation for diversity
- Independent work and deadline management
- Verbal and written communication
- Visual presentation
- Information and research
- Organisation and planning
- IT, including using creative software
Studying art can form the basis for a variety of careers including:
- Fine artist- a career as a professional artist
- Heritage manager – heritage managers conserve, manage, and develop access to sites such as historic buildings, landscapes, museums and ancient monuments.
- Teacher/university lecturer – motivate and inspire young people and encourage the development of new talent.
- Arts administrator – focus on planning and organising arts activities and ensuring they are successful.
- Animator- Animators work in various roles, including helping to create the visual effects for movies
Design & art tutors & CAD Tutors London
Exceptional design is both an art and a science, coupling aesthetic appreciation and perfect draftsmanship with an innate understanding of form and function. From the fashion ateliers of Milan and Paris, to the futuristic offices of leading architects, the best designers are renowned innovators. Design, including architecture and architectural elements is more than just a blueprint for an object: it can provide the foundation for a radically new way of looking at the world.
GSCE & A-Level Design Tuition
Mayfair Consultants offers private Design tuition for students of every age and ability – including those studying for their GCSE, AS- and A-Level exams, and clients working towards undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. We also support clients learning to develop business Design models and architecture. Our team of expert tutors are all fully-qualified with an impressive array of experience and knowledge across this sector.
If you’d like arrange private lessons or have any questions about our tuition services please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Art Tutors, GCSE & A-Level Art Tuition London
Mayfair Consultants offers at home, art tutors 1-1 to clients living across the London area, including students working at GCSE, AS and A-Levels, and those taking undergraduate or postgraduate degrees in the subject (i.e. BA, MA/MSc, PhD). Our fully-qualified tutors are highly skilled artists, with many having professional experience and impressive portfolios. They offer clear, concise advice and employ stimulating, interactive approaches to help nurture the talents of every client.
If you’d like arrange private lessons or have any questions about our tuition services please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Art Tutors & Design Tuition Resources
Art university courses in the UK: – Ruskin School of Art (part of the University of Oxford) – University of the Arts, London – Royal College of Art – London College of Contemporary Art – Slade School of Fine Art (part of UCL) – Goldsmiths department of Art, London
Other Art Lesson links: – Royal Academy of Arts – Society of Graphic and Fine Art – Royal Society of Arts – Royal Society of British Artists – The National Gallery – National Portrait Gallery – Saatchi Gallery London Victoria & Albert Museum – Tate Britain – Tate Modern