Drama Tutors London
Drama and the dramatics arts, from the stylised tragedies and comedies enacted in Ancient Greek amphitheatres, to the multifaceted musicals of London’s contemporary West End, has permeated the heart of every human society and culture. An actor’s craft is a highly desirable, rewarding skill, with actors of all ages achieving professional success both onstage and on-screen. Yet it remains a highly competitive career, with thousands of people aspiring to be cast in the same roles. Getting ahead in the world of Drama – whether that be as a young person at school, or an adult in the wider world, requires application and dedication. Our Drama Tutors can guide your choices and course progression.
Dramatic Roots
The Western tradition of drama as we now recognise it dates back to classical Athens in the 6th century BC. This was a time when drama was about more than a trip to the theatre or a gripping TV crime series. It was revered and integrated into many aspect of everyday life, and was very much part of a broader culture of performance in ancient Greece. In a mostly non-literary age, it was a mode of powerful and effective communication at festivals, religious rituals, politics, legal proceedings, athletics, music and poetry events, weddings, and funerals. Still universally popular today, the theatre of ancient Greece consisted of three types of drama: tragedy, comedy, and the satyr play, each serving a specific purpose and setting.
In Britain, the Renaissance brought a revival to the theatrical scene, producing one of the most perennial and enduring playwrights in the world; William Shakespeare. Now, contemporary theatre continues to forge new branches and push the boundaries, introducing movements such as realism, surrealism, naturalism, expressionism, postmodernism, and experimental theatre.
The Purpose of Drama
Drama tells us about a subject that we are all experts in; the human experience. Plays can often capture the essence of a culture or a moment in time that no other art form can match. They reveal the attitudes and opinions of their day, and give us an intellectual and emotional insight into the lives of the ‘other’. No matter the time period or culture, humans across the world and throughout the ages are empathetic and curious beings. Drama taps into those sensibilities and both enriches and educates us.
Why study Drama?
There are many valuable social skills that can be gained from studying Drama, but it is also often combined with a study of literature, providing valuable academic skills too. As a student of drama, a high level of emotional maturity is essential, as well as the capability to mould into any character, which can lead to a truly fascinating understanding of human beings on a very personal level.
Trust and co-operation is also essential, as students are often required to push themselves emotionally and explore difficult subject matter. The ability to express themselves makes drama students very well suited for communication and team-building roles. Studying drama will also involve some degree of improvisation work, which hones students’ abilities to respond to spontaneous and unexpected situations, a skill that is also highly valued.
A typical drama course will broadly include:
- Acting studies consisting of stagecraft, improvisation, mime, and physical theatre.
- Voice studies covers voice and speech classes, poetry and prose, singing, and phonetics.
- Movement studies covers stage movement, period dance and 20th-Century dance, showdance, acrobatics and stage combat.
- Acting Research investigates plays and theatre forms representative of the major periods of Western theatre, as well as examples from world drama.
The skills that are learnt by studying drama are invaluable in later life. For example, being able to speak and present confidently in front of people, and the skill of planning that is required in any production, are useful in many careers. Drama can be a good basis for a career not only in the theatre, but in advertising, the film industry and even in events planning, among many others.
Drama Tutors – GCSE & A-Level Drama Lessons
Mayfair Consultants offers one-on-one, private Drama tuition to clients living across London. We work with students at every level of development, from fledgling beginners to advanced actors, including those learning for their own personal enjoyment and those studying for public exams (i.e. GCSE, A-Level, etc.). Our tutors are all highly skilled actors with diverse portfolios, backgrounds and professional experience. They offer practical guidance and theoretical advice on all elements of a signer’s craft: from facial expression, voice projection, to physical movement and gesture.
Drama Tutors & Dance Lessons London
Whether you are learning ballet, or ballroom, Latin or Limbo, dance can be an enormously fun and physically cathartic medium. It can also be one of the most emotionally demanding and rewarding means of artistic expression.
Our dance tutors work with students across London at every level of development, from fledgling beginners through to those at intermediate level and advanced dancers. Our clients include people of all ages and abilities learning for personal enjoyment and/or for accredited exams, or even couples wanting to learn their first wedding dance!
Mayfair Consultants uses only highly skilled tutors with diverse portfolios, dance backgrounds or professional dancing experience. Our tutors offer practical guidance and advice on all elements of a dancer’s craft: from positioning, rhythm and timing, to posture, breathing techniques and artistic expression.
Drama GCSE, A-level and Degree-level tuition
Mayfair Consultants offers at home, one-on-one tuition in Drama & Dance to clients living across the London area, including students working at GCSE, AS and A-Levels, and those taking undergraduate or postgraduate degrees in the subject (i.e. BA, MA/MSc, PhD). Our fully-qualified Drama tutors are highly skilled specialists, with many holding postgraduate degrees in the subject. They offer clear, concise explanations and stimulating approaches, helping to support the needs of every client. If you’d like arrange private lessons or have any questions about our tuition services please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Useful Dance Tuition Resources:
https://www.lamda.org.uk/drama-school – LAMDA, a leading school of drama in London
http://www.cssd.ac.uk – Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, part of the University of London
https://www.rada.ac.uk – Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
http://adtinet.com – The Art and Drama Therapy Institute
http://www.oxforddrama.ac.uk – The Oxford School of Drama, located in London
http://www.oldvic.ac.uk – Bristol Old Vic Theatre School
http://www.gsmd.ac.uk – The Guildhall School of Drama
https://nsdf.org.uk – The Sunday Times National Student Drama Festival
http://www.shakespearesglobe.com – Shakespeare’s Globe has educational events and exhibitions
http://www.vam.ac.uk/page/t/theatre-history/ – The Victoria and Albert Museum
http://www.bristol.ac.uk/theatre-collection/ – University of Bristol Theatre Archive
http://www.arthurlloyd.co.uk/index.html – Arthur Lloyd Website has an extensive list of all the theatres in Britain
http://world-theatres.com World Theatres lists theatres in various countries
https://royalcourttheatre.com – Royal Court Theatre website
http://www.nationaltheatrewales.org – National Theatre Wales
https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk – National Theatre UK
https://www.rsc.org.uk – Royal Shakespeare Company website
http://www.oldvictheatre.com – The Old Vic Theatre London
https://www.sheffieldtheatres.co.uk – Sheffield Theatres
https://www.nstheatres.co.uk – Nuffield Southampton Theatres