LSAT Tutors – Law School Admission Test
LSAT – Law School Admission Test is a university Law entrance exam. Our expert tutors provide tailored instruction to bring you up to speed with the subsets. We can also assist with the Law application procedure as well as school open days and interview advice. Our LSAT Tutors can prepare you thoroughly for this Law entrance exam.
What is the LSAT?
The Law School Admission Test, commonly known as the LSAT was established in 1948, leading to the creation of the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). Created to provide law school candidates of different backgrounds an equal chance to pursue a career in law, the LSAT is a highly respected test, taken by hundreds of thousands of hopeful law school candidates across the globe. LSAC is a non-profit organization, driven by its goal of advancing the practice and application of law and justice in society by creating opportunities for talented individuals to enrol in law degrees. LSAC also design and produce products and services to assist law students in their law school admissions and studies, all with the aim of supporting budding student lawyers. The LSAT is integral to the law school admissions process, enabling colleges and universities to decipher the students that are prepared with skills and knowledge that they will need to develop further as they enter their first year of law school. The skills assessed in the LSAT include reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, persuasive writing skills and logical reasoning, which are all respected as vital skills for success, not just as a student of law, but as a practitioner. The Law School Admission Test is the only standardized test accepted by all ABA-accredited law schools and has been shown in studies as the single best indicator of a first-year law school student’s performance. Revisions of the Law School Admission Test made in 2019 mean that the test is now carried out in two parts, the first consisting of a multiple-choice exam and the second consisting of a written essay (LSAT Writing), which is administered online using secure software.
What is the LSAT examination comprised of?
The Law School Admission Test is made up of two main sections, the first made up of multiple-choice questions divided into four sections covering Reading, Reasoning and Logic content. This section consists of a number of 35-minute blocks of questions, with a 10-minute break between the second and third sections.
The second section of the LSAT is the 35-minute LSAT Writing portion, which is unscored and tests your ability to write creatively and with persuasive language. There are no right and wrong answers in the LSAT Writing and it is administered online using secure software programming, enabling candidates to respond to the test anywhere they have access to internet connection. Candidates can answer their Writing Law School Admission Test as soon as 8 days prior to their multiple-choice LSAT, making planning ahead in your revision schedule a vital preparation method. The Law School Admission Test Writing will consist of a prompt that presents a decision problem, requiring you to choose one of two positions or courses of action, recording your decision and a subsequent defence of your decision. Law schools will receive a sample of your writing and will examine it for evidence of clarity, organization of thought, persuasive language and reasoning.
What LSAT score should I be aiming to achieve?
The score range for the Law School Admission Test is from 120 to 180, with the median score sitting at approximately 152. There are between 99 and 102 questions to answer and a minimum of 60 questions need be answered correctly to secure a median score of 152. Admissions at law schools recommend achieving a minimum LSAT score of 150, advising candidates striving to attend the most prestigious law schools to achieve a score of 160 and above. Candidates applying for a law school in the top-10 programme should aim for a Law School Admission Test score of 170 and above. Our LSAT Tutors can help you achieve these top scores.
Law Schools with the Highest Law School Admission Test Scoring Students
Median Law School Admission Test score for Full-time students 2020
Columbia University -174
Harvard University – 174
Yale University – 174
New York University – 172
Stanford University – 172
University of Chicago – 172
Cornell University – 171
Georgetown University – 171
Northwestern university – 171
University of Michigan – 171
University of Pennsylvania – 171
University of Virginia – 171
How do I prepare for the LSAT?
When preparing for the Law School Admission Test it is important to review your calendar to decide when you will be best prepared to book and take the test. The Law School Admission Test are conducted multiple times across the academic year and across different campuses, meaning some research into your upcoming academic calendar and self-reflection on your organisational skills will be key to assessing the date that you will best prepared on. Once you have booked your LSAT, it is important to leave two months between you and the test, this is to ensure that you can study an average of 1-3 hours a day, 4-5 days a week to best prepare yourself. It is also important to research the best LSAT study materials, including past papers and current trends, as this will enable you to better understand the formatting and wording of the questions. It is valuable to note that not all of the questions are of the same level, so it is vital that during your revision you are answering questions across a range of difficulty. As with any other exam, it is a useful rule to answer all of the questions that you find easier first and to leave the harder questions until last, as this can prevent panic and can also enable you to better manage your time. This time management can be developed by studying under exam conditions, implementing the time restraints that you will have to work within and splitting your core subjects up into time allocated periods. The Law School Admission Test Writing portion of the test is still important to prepare for. Though it does not make up your core LSAT score, law schools can take your writing into account of your capabilities as a potential law school student, making using the Law School Admission Test Writing as a way of representing your thoughts, ideas and persuasive abilities key in your LSAT journey.
If you would like to arrange LSAT tutors or enquire about our Law School Applications Service or Law schools entrance tests such as the LSAT & LNAT please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
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