Dyslexia Screening Test
We offer testing and diagnosis of Dyslexia services through the administration of the Dyslexia Screening Test by Pearson Psychology, a listed supplier of dyslexia tests by the British Dyslexia Association. The areas of focus of most dyslexia tests include subsets of:
Sentence Completion Test; Digit Memory Test; Perin’s Spoonerism Task; Writing Speed Norms; Scaled Scores and their Equivalents; Picture Vocabulary Scale-III & Non-word Decoding Test.
Dyslexia Screening Test in London at Mayfair Consultants
At Mayfair Consultants, we offer screening for dyslexia in London only in person. Our qualified psychologists administer the Dyslexia Screening Test for adults and children (Pearson).
What is the Dyslexia Screening Test?
Dyslexia is a common, language-based reading disorder, affecting 5% to 10% of the population (Cavalli, 2017). Compared to non-dyslexic readers, individuals affected by dyslexia read with a lower speed and efficiency and often have poor spelling. Signs such as confusing visually similar words (such as “cat” and “cot”) and difficulties in concentration can point toward dyslexia in an adult. Despite the impairment in basic reading skills, adults with dyslexia are still able to study at the university level. In the UK, it is reported that approximately 3.2% of adults have dyslexia (Cavalli, 2017). Screening for dyslexia is crucial both for children and adults, including those entering university, to provide better support services both in education, academia and the workplace.
Dyslexia Screening Tests are designed as brief tests, that sort individuals into two groups: those at risk of dyslexia and those not at risk (as defined by the Pearson Assessment).
Dyslexia identification is a process that begins with screening. If there is a risk of dyslexia in a child or an adult, further steps are taken, namely assessment, intervention or instruction and monitoring. The British Dyslexia Association highlights that “where any screening test indicates a moderate or high probability of dyslexic difficulties, the best course of action is to follow up with a full diagnostic assessment”.
What does the Dyslexia Screening Test assess?
The screening tests differ based on the age of the participants and include tests for adults and children. The youngest participants in the tests can be 6 ½ years old.
If you suspect your child may be dyslexic, the Dyslexia Screening Test will help to identify whether your child needs additional support. Currently, most schools in the UK do not have a universal dyslexia screening in place. You should consult your child’s teacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator, who can decide to carry out dyslexia screening. Alternatively, these tests can be also done privately by certified psychologists.
The dyslexia screening test for children provides the parents with their child’s profile, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. Some tests also measure phonological and reasoning ability. This information is useful for developing tailored support for the student in school and indicates whether further assessments and formal diagnosis are needed. The British Dyslexia Association stresses that “a school doesn’t need a formal diagnosis to put support in place for your child and shouldn’t delay in providing appropriate support and/or interventions”. Currently, most schools in the UK do not have a universal dyslexia screening in place, hence it is likely that your child will not be tested at school.
The dyslexia screening tests for adults (16 years 5 months and older) typically comprise of subsets testing the fluency and accuracy of reading and spelling. You can choose to do a self-report screening test such as the Adult Reading History Questionnaire (ARHQ), available here. The test assesses if an individual is at risk through questions on one’s reading history and reading habits.
The screening test can also be performed by a certified psychologist and the subsets may include (as indicated by Pearson Assessments here):
– Rapid Naming
– One-Minute Reading
– Postural Stability
– Phonemic Segmentation
– Two-Minute Spelling
– Backwards Digit Span
– Nonsense Passage Reading
– Non-Verbal Reasoning
– One-Minute Writing
– Verbal Fluency
– Semantic Fluency
How to prepare for Dyslexia Screening?
No preparation is necessary for the screening.
London Dyslexia Screening Services at Mayfair Consultants
We offer testing and diagnosis of Dyslexia services through the administration of the Dyslexia Screening Test by Pearson Psychology, a listed supplier of dyslexia tests by the British Dyslexia Association. The Pearson Dyslexia Screening Tests are co-authored by Angela Fawcett, a vice president of the British Dyslexia Association. For further information or if you have any questions about our testing services in London please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Dyslexia Screening Test Resources: