Gifted and Talented Tutors – Academic Consultancy
We provide a comprehensive service for Gifted and Talented learners, including school’s placement and entrance exam preparation including tailored services in Maths, English (Comprehension), Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning subsets. We can also assist with the application procedure as well as school open days and interview advice. An important part of the procedure is not only matching the child to a school where they will thrive academically but moreover to place them where the pupil will be happy and flourish.
What does Gifted and Talented mean?
‘Gifted and Talented’ is a term used when describing children that demonstrate a particular strength/ aptitude in a given subject(s). This is measured with reference to your child’s school test results, with learners that are consistently scoring within the top percentile in their class qualifying. The term ‘gifted’ is afforded to students whose abilities are in academic subjects (Mathematics, English, Science), whilst ‘talented’ is given to learners who present an aptitude for a practical skill (Music, Design, Sport or the Creative and Performing Arts). Non subject-specific skills and attributes can also be taken into consideration when discussing your child’s likelihood of qualifying as a gifted and talented pupil, including their decision-making, organisational and leadership qualities.
How do I know if my child is within the Gifted and Talented?
Your child’s school should be able to communicate to you whether your child is demonstrating qualities of a gifted and talented pupil, with reference to your child’s contributions in class and engagement with the subject that they are demonstrating specific aptitude within. It is also your child’s school’s responsibility to meet the educational needs of every learner, meaning that if your child is gifted and talented, this aptitude should be challenged further, enabling your child to grow and develop their specific skills. Schools may do this by providing your child with test papers of higher levels, providing after-school tutoring or extra curricula staff sessions for your child to benefit from one to one workshops. It is important to keep into consideration your child’s emotional and social development as they are engaging with advanced educational material, ensuring that all of their other needs are also being met in the process of furthering their learning. Your child’s school may also decide to engage your child with work experience, an apt opportunity for your child to further develop their understanding of a particular subject. Participation in a work experience arrangement can enable your child to relate the theory that they are learning to physical practice, showing your child what their desired industry environment looks and feels like. This ultimately provides them with another advantage, providing them with tools that are useful when searching for a job. Our Gifted and Talented Tutors can help assess your child ability.
What is NACE?
NACE is the National Association for Able Children in Education. Running for close to 40 years, NACE offer support across multiple sectors, contexts and stages of development for higher able provision. Their mission is to provide access to challenging education for young people who present aptitude in a given subject area. Creating opportunities and support for young people to develop their aptitude, NACE is an independent charity that works with schools, education leaders and policy makers. NACE is driven by its aim to design schooling environments that teach to the top, engaging improved provision for all learners and creating whole-school development. Members of NACE have access to opportunities that support developing school improvement, including CPD, school research initiatives and the NACE Challenge Development Programme.
What is Mensa?
Mensa is the High IQ Society, that fosters a mission to create a society of equity for its members, free from the intricacies of politics. The only quality you need possess to attain a membership position with Mensa is to have a high IQ. Mensa’s core aims are to identify exceptional intelligence, fostering this strength and providing support to develop it further. To assist educators working with gifted and talented young people, Mensa created the Mensa Gifted and Talented Support Programmes, aimed at its 1,700 members (those of which are under 18 years old). These members are offered the same benefits as the adult members, including access to social events, newsletters and special interest groups, all made with the aim of promoting growth of knowledge/ skills. Children who are members of Mensa are also encouraged to participate in the Junior and Teen group in order to develop personal and social skills.
Membership to Mensa: What is considered a High IQ?
To gain a membership for British Mensa High IQ Society, one must participate in the Mensa Supervised IQ Test, scoring within the top two per cent of the population to be approved for the Society. Mensa host Supervised IQ tests weekly, with participants required to be over the age of 10 and a half. Mensa also offer Home Tests, a 45-minute assessment that once sent back to Mensa is marked and scored. Though this test cannot be standardised (and subsequently verified), it can provide an idea of how successful you might be in the full, standardised test. Mensa also accept evidence of tests taken through a registered psychologist that demonstrate an IQ in the top 2%.
Examples of Gifted and Talented competitions:
Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad Competition
The UK Chemistry Olympiad is a leading Chemistry competition ran across the British Isles for Secondary school learners. Ran by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the competition is built to inspire and challenge students who are studying the field of Chemistry. The competition also seeks to develop transferable skills such as engaging with abstract thinking, problem solving skills and applying theory to real-world scenarios. Successful participants can potentially represent the UK at the prestigious International Chemistry Olympiad.
UKMT British Mathematic Olympiad
The United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) hold the British Mathematic Olympiad, an organisation that host a plethora of annual competitions and events. Ran by a Board of Trustees (Council), the UKMT work to long-term strategic aims, engaging Mathematicians with challenges across a wide range of ages and abilities. Examples of competition content include mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, fluency in using basic mathematical techniques. Participants must enter through the registered UKMT centre and can order a virtual paper or a physical copy, sitting the challenge under exam conditions (timed, with no additional assistance, or content prompts). The UKMT then mark the paper and notify the participant with their results. Entering the British Mathematic Olympiad can enable gifted pupils to gain further experience in their field, engaging with a global competition that can reveal their strengths and equally their areas for improvement.
If you would like to arrange gifted and talented tutors, schools entrance consultancy or enquire about our schools placement service in England as well as schools entrance tests please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Gifted & Talented Tutors & Parents resources:
Learning Resources:
Examples of Gifted and Talented courses/ competitions: