MRCP Tutors – Member of the Royal College of Physicians
It is universally understood that a career in medicine is one of the most challenging and intensive occupations available. Students must be hardworking, dedicated and diligent. The road to becoming a fully qualified doctor in the UK is a lengthy process and can vary substantially depending on which area you choose to specialise in. The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) was founded in 1518 and remains the principle body in charge of regulating the examinations for those practicing medicine today. As part of this, the MRCP (Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK) is a postgraduate medical diploma required for doctors who decide to specialise (for example in an area such as cardiology or neurology) after they graduate. The MRCP consists of 3 separate, equally challenging exams, requiring potential candidates to be incredibly dedicated and motivated. Our MRCP tutors can help guide you through your core exams for this qualification.
What is the MRCP?
In order to participate in the MRCP candidates must have at least 12 months’ medical work experience. The MRCP is split into two parts, part 1 is an examination which is focused on assessing the candidates understanding of general medical practice. Part 2 is segregated into a written exam and a practical exam known as the PAECS (which just stands for Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills). Candidates who are successful pass the MCRP will then be able to begin specialist medical training in their chosen field.
The MCRCP exam structure:
Part 1 Examination
- Testing medical knowledge and skills.
- 2 Three-hour written papers
- 100 multiple choice questions
Part 2: Written Examination
- Assesses clinical understanding such as diagnosis and prognosis.
- 2 Three-hour written papers
- 100 multiple choice questions
Part 2: Clinical Examination (PAECS)
- Practical examination with 8 separate patients.
- Assesses 7 core skills: Respiratory, Abdominal, History Taking, Cardiovascular, Neurological, Communication, Brief clinical consultation.
How can Mayfair Consultants MRCP Tutors help you?
The MRCP is an intensive examination which requires candidates to not only possess a broad basis of medical knowledge but also practical skills. Renowned for its difficulty it is not surprising that the pass rate for those attempting the exam for the first time is not high, part 1 of the MCRP for example has a pass rate of just 50%. Our experienced MRCP tutors can assist you with preparation for each stage of the MRCP, enabling you to feel confident in both the written and practical elements of the assessment.
If you would like to arrange private lessons or have any questions about our tuition services, please call us on Tel: +44(0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Useful MRCP Exam Links
https://www.mrcpuk.org/mrcpuk-examinations Official MRCP website.
https://www.mrcpuk.org/mrcpuk-examinations/part-1/part-1-sample-questions Sample MRCP questions from the official website.
https://www.mrcpuk.org/mrcpuk-examinations/specialty-certificate-examinations/exam-centres Information about UK MRCP exam centres.
https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/mrcpuk-examination Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Website.
https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/education-practice/rcp-revise Revision advise from the RCP
https://revisemrcp.com/ Online revision tool for the MRCP with practice exam questions and past papers. An MRCP tutor can help direct your revision and core skills for passing the MRCP Exam.
https://www.id-medical.com/an-insight-into-mrcp/ Breakdown of the MRCP, explanation of the exam and what to expect.
https://medibuddy.co.uk/mrcp/mrcp-part-2-complete-guide/ More info about the MRCP.
https://www.pastest.com/mrcp-part-1/revision-books/essential-revision-notes-for-mrcp/ MRCP revision textbook.
https://www.rsm.ac.uk/ Royal Society of Medicine
https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/explore-roles/doctors/training-doctor Information about NHS career pathways.
https://www.onexamination.com/search?q=MRCP Extensive MRCP revision sources, mock tests and preparation materials.