GRE Tutors – The Graduate Record Examination
We provide a comprehensive service for the GRE General Test, including one-on-one tutoring services, delivered from the comfort of your home (see bottom of page for further information). We can also assist with the online GRE application procedure as well as test preparation and interview advice, supporting you in your educational endeavours. Our GRE Tutors can help you fulfil your potential on this test.
What is the GRE general test?
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test, taken by students applying to enrol onto a master’s degree course, typically in the Business, Law and Medical subjects. Developed, administered and scored by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the world’s largest private educational testing organization, the test is taken globally and used by the admissions offices at some of the top Universities worldwide to determine a candidate’s readiness in perusing a master’s degree. ETS’s mission is centred around developing the quality of education and of the equity practised and delivered in education, conducting research and producing subsequent solutions to students, schools, businesses, teachers and governments. The GRE is a popular test taken (most frequently) by hopeful Business school candidates in particular, and is referred to as a General Test, designed to test a candidate across a vast breath of skills. The GRE General Test is delivered via computer software and requires candidates to explore their verbal reasoning, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing skills. Due to the broad nature of the test content, candidates applying to business and law schools can use this test as a way of demonstrating their overall strengths, showing their intended school what they can do without going into subject specific content. The computer-delivered nature of the test enables candidates to go back and forth between sections, allowing you to skip questions and change your answers throughout the time permitted.
What does the GRE general test assess?
The GRE General Test has sections in Analytical Writing, Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning, with questions designed to reflect the skills and thinking styles you will need to establish and develop in the demanding graduate school programmes, predominantly in the Business and Law subjects.
Analytical Writing: The Analytical Writing section is centred around the candidate’s ability to provide reasoned responses to specified tasks, reflecting your capability in meeting the standards of a given task. This is measured through your ability to provide examples of clear and concise ideas that are complex and reasoned, alongside evidence of supported ideas, backed up with relevant contextual knowledge and examples. You will be asked to analyse examples of texts that include specified claims alongside evidence, demonstrating your ability to maintain a focused and clear discussion.
Quantitative Reasoning: The Quantitative Reasoning section of the test requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to effectively discern information from quantitative data, analysing and interpreting meaning from the contextual resources. The section also tests candidate’s strengths in relation to using mathematical skills to solve problems, with the mathematical skills spanning arithmetic, geometry, data analysis and algebra. The Quantitative Reasoning section has an online calculator for candidates use, meaning revising with a calculator is a useful practice. The Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning questions sometimes consists of variants of previously used and published questions, meaning revising using past examples of the GRE test will put you in an advantageous place. It is important to apply specific attention when reading the questions in this section as some questions can appear very similar to a previous question; re-reading questions where this is the case is imperative in avoiding a missed mark.
Verbal Reasoning: The Verbal Reasoning section of the test is designed to challenge the candidates ability to analyse bodies of text appropriately, applying specific attention to detail when concerning drawing conclusions from discourse, identifying author’s assumptions and intent, irrelevant points and summarisations in text and the definitions of certain words and texts. Effectively, the Verbal Reasoning section of the GRE test is a challenge of a candidate’s language skills, particularly concerning hidden meanings, biases, assumptions and various levels of meaning across individual words, sentences and whole texts.
What career path can I use the GRE general test for?
It is useful for prospective candidates who are looking to pursue a master’s in Business, Law and Medicine to take the GRE General Test, as the test is designed to stretch and challenge a candidate’s ability to demonstrate core skills that are vital across all of these sectors. Used as a supplement to undergraduate records and any additional documents such as letters of recommendation, the GRE test is a useful method for common comparison, enabling schools to accept the students best suited and most prepared to undertake a master’s degree. Certain universities will place a greater focus/appreciation for applicants with a GRE test, including Arizona State University, University of California, Irvine (UCI), Wichita State University, Georgia Institute of Technology and Hult International Business School. Ultimately, it is important to research the school that you are applying for to explore your options. The vast majority of schools see the GRE test as another string to a candidate’s bow, meaning it is a beneficial test to take if you wish to stand out from other candidates.
What score should I be aiming to achieve?
To achieve a score that will be accepted it is reasonable to dedicate between 1 and 3 months studying and prepping for the test, spending approximately 80+ hours revising. Scores achieved from the GRE General Test are available for 5 years, but it is important to factor in marking time when taking the test, which means leaving enough room ahead of your degree application to document your results. Scores are delivered across increments of 1 point and vary between 0 and 6 (in half-point increments) for Analytical Writing and 130 and 170 for Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections. The average GRE scores vary between 147-170 on Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections, with top graduate programmes averaging 160+.
GRE Tutors & how do I prepare for the GRE general test?
Taking online practice tests can be beneficial for many reasons. Being able to effectively manage your time keeping whilst also adjusting to the wording of questions and the varying levels of difficulty will enable you to feel more confident on taking your GRE General Test. Self-assessment of your general areas where you could develop your knowledge further will enable you to be self-aware in your studies, supplementing what you need to practice more and strengthening your pre-existing strengths. Reviewing ETS’s GRE resources and content windows will enable you to narrow down your revision to a refined and purposeful selection of materials. Taking the time to practice your mathematics skills in arithmetic, geometry, data analysis, calculator maths and algebra will better prepare you for the Quantitative Reasoning section. Also dedicating time to reading across a wide range of papers, contextual resources and author’s notes will better prepare you for analysing and deciphering meaning from texts in the Verbal Reasoning section. Ultimately, the more time you spend practicing, the more confident and prepared you are likely to feel when taking your GRE, a feeling which should be reflected in your score outcome. Online and in-person tutoring can enable you to receive one on one, specially tailored support, enabling you to feel supported in your endeavours and to receive individualised resources and sessions that can develop your knowledge and expand your strengths.
Mayfair Consultants offers at home, one-on-one GRE General Test tutors to clients living across the London area. Our fully qualified General test tutors are highly skilled specialists, with many holding postgraduate degrees. They offer clear, concise explanations and stimulating approaches, helping to support the need of every student. If you would like to arrange private lessons, or have any questions about our tuition services please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.
Useful resources for GRE Tutors & Students: