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Physics tutor

Physics Tutors & Revision

Physics is one of the three core natural sciences, concerned with all physical phenomena and the properties of energy and matter. From the fall of an apple from a tree, to theories concerning the expansion of our universe, physicists have sought to explain how and why things occur. Learning Physics at school level and beyond can open up myriad career paths and opportunities. Famous physicists include engineers, designers and research academics such as Stephen Hawking, who advanced the theory of ‘supergravity’ and has done pioneering work in the field of quantum mechanics. Our Physics tutors can guide your learning and revision.

Physics has a reputation for being a formidable and challenging science, perhaps inaccessible to most people beyond a basic level. On the other hand, from Back to the Future to the Apollo movies and Dr Who, it is the science most frequently exploited by the art world, particularly books, film and TV. It is easy to see why; a lot of textbook physics can be brought to life by blockbuster cinematics, white knuckled action and compelling plot-lines.

This stems from the fact that the study of Physics seeks to understand the laws of nature and reality, often uncovering mind-boggling possibilities and potential development for the human race. As highly perceptive beings, it doesn’t take much to ignite our intrigue and wonder about the physical world around us both seen and unseen, from the universe to quantum mechanics, antimatter and much more. It is testament to the widespread appeal of Physics that scientists such as Dr Brian Cox, who can present these complex theories in a simplified and engaging way, can reach celebrity status and earn a spot on prime time TV with thought-provoking and visually stunning programmes.

In light of this, many students from a young age have a deep, innate interest in Physics but are deterred by limited exam courses and uninspired teaching. Receiving the right academic support and encouragement can nurture and motivate budding Physicists to realise their full potential and go on to be at the forefront of research within this exciting discipline.

Why Physics and Physics Tutors?

Glance around you and an array of everyday objects will have been brought about by a knowledge of Physics; from laptops and stereo systems to the humble can-opener, these technological advances have benefited society and continue to modernise our world. Physical principles can harnesses our imagination and leads to great discoveries that lead to technologies which change our lives – from radiation treatment to aviation technology and developing sustainable energy solutions such as wind turbines. By studying Physics at any age, you will hone the knowledge and skills you need to be a part of this important endeavour. You will be able to objectively and quantitatively describe, analyse, test and explain phenomena in the physical world, using appropriate mathematical tools and experimental methods.

Careers in Physics

Physics encourages quantitative, evaluation and ‘big picture’ thinking; skills highly desirable to employers in a wide variety of careers. Studying this subject will enhance your analytical skills; your ability to think clearly, to pay attention to detail and to construct logical and reasoned arguments. It will also develop your problem solving skills, dealing with not only academic problems but also practical problems. These problem solving and analytical skills make students versatile and adaptable in the jobs market.

Studying to degree level can open up a career in industrial and government labs, university research, astronaut corps, engineering industries, computer science, medicine, patent law, science journalism and much more. Physics is an attractive subject to employers because of how demanding it is, and it is in short supply in the UK.


Physics Tutors – GCSE & A-Level Physics Lessons

Mayfair Consultants offer at-home, one-on-one, Physics tuition to clients of all ages and abilities. Our tutors are fully-qualified, with many holding postgraduate degrees, PhDs and/or having a research background in their subject, remaining up-to-date with the latest research and scientific trends. Our tutors work across London with students preparing for GCSEs, AS-levels, A-levels and IBs in Physics, and with undergraduates and postgraduates preparing for university exams in related fields. Mayfair Consultants Science tutors employ a range of fast-paced, interactive approaches to build confidence and encourage learners to become specialists in their own subject.

If you’d like arrange private lessons or have any questions about our tuition services please call us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 6606 or you can send us an email via our contact form.

Below are some useful links to Physics resources on the web: – A wide range of physics resources and articles including a website database – The Institute of Physics – Royal Astronomical Society – Careers in Physics – How Stuff Works website – Science World – A collection of resources including articles, videos and tests – BBC bitesize Physics – BBC iWonder

Online Journals: – The Royal Society Journals – Science Direct Journals – American Physical Society Journals – Cambridge Journals – Springer Publishers ebooks – Nature Physics Journals – Scientific Research journals – Canadian Journal of Physics

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